Sunday, March 5, 2023

Giving Up Fear for Lent

The sentence “Do not be afraid” appears 365 times in the Bible. We could study a different moment in the Bible each day for a year and never repeat. There are devotionals that have been created to do just that, but I have not read any of them in order to give a recommendation. Fear and doubt hang out a lot within me. I don't struggle with anxiety or depression. What usually happens is I am offered an opportunity to perform or instruct and if I am available and I have worked with the client before I commit. It's safe. It's comfortable. Recently, I have been give several opportunities to grow as a person and within my profession. That is where my friends Fear and Doubt make their appearance, because I am going into the unknown. Part of me loves the unknown because I love adventure and surprise. The kid in me that is full of wonder cheers me on. Fear and Doubt reminds the nervous adult in me “is this really wise?” These two comrades also start providing excuses as to why I should say “No” or to not even respond to the inquiry.

Perfect example happened a month ago when I was offered a chance to teach improv during the summer for a city nearby. I teach improv everywhere! The offer came in and I was really hesitant. Fear and Doubt rushed in to fuel this. “I can't give away my summer.” I thought. They were willing to work with my schedule. “I can't afford to do this.” They not only were willing to work with my schedule but they are also giving me comparable wages. I took the gig and I am looking forward to this summer with a new client. This scenario made me realize how much I let Fear and Doubt come into my decision making. On Ash Wednesday, I “fired” Fear and I decided to challenge myself every time I fall into the familiar thought pattern. I'm hoping to “hire” Reason to replace Fear. Doubt just turned in his resignation.