Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Ordinary Time

When I was Presbyterian, we had a minister that announced where we were in the liturgical calendar. When it was Ordinary Time my Dad would get annoyed that this too was announced every Sunday without fail. “We know that it is ordinary time. We don't need to be reminded of it.” For those that live a very scheduled lifestyle, ordinary time must be a reminder of just another day of...(fill in the blank).

As a Catholic, I am very aware that we follow the liturgical calendar and that we are currently in Ordinary Time. It is a time of listening to Jesus's time of ministry in the Gospel, which was far from ordinary. It can also be a time to meditate on the hidden years in Nazareth when the Holy family lived as an ordinary family doing ordinary work to survive. It is a time of rest after all the festivities of Easter and Christmas. It is a time of taking new habits learned during Lent and Advent and incorporating them into our daily lives.

Since I have dedicated this blog to Mary, I have been reflecting on what Mary did during those ordinary moments in her daily life. Cooking, cleaning, laundry and taking care of the needs of her family come to mind. I can just imagine Our Blessed Mother doing these chores with love as she pondered things in her heart. As an imperfect human being, like myself, these chores can wear on you or depress you before you even get started. Meals are needed at least 3 times a day, laundry is a never-ending chore and cleaning. Cleaning is a battle with dust bunnies, who keep finding ways to multiply in places that only become visible when company pays a visit. Yet, if I used this time of ordinary properly I have a chance to ponder all of God's gifts to me as I perform these menial tasks. Thank God I have a variety of choices to prepare 3 meals a day! Praise God I have the abundance of food for 3 meals a day! Thank God I have clothing that seems to be without end. Praise God I have a way of cleaning my clothing! Thank God I have a home that is big enough that it needs my attention to its upkeep! Praise God I have a home!

Maybe if we look to find God in our ordinary everyday work we can see all the blessings that He has given us in what we might otherwise dismiss. This Ordinary time will actually become an Extra-Ordinary time because He is there among us.

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